At Greystanes Test and Tag we make sure through our visual and PAT testing proceedures that your sites Electrical Equipment is WH&S safe and AS/NZS 3760:2010
Our Service
We Test:
Class 1 (Protectively Earthed)
Air Compressors
240v Welders
415v Welders
Floor Sanders
Vacuum Cleaners
Concrete Grinders
Bench Drills
Bench Grinders
Class 2 (Double Insulated Electrical Equipment)
Power Tools
Solidering Irons
Hand Grinders
Jig Saws
Circular Saws
Battery Chargers
Extension Leads - 10 amp,15 amp 240v and 3 phase 415v
IEC's Leads
Computer Leads
Power Boards
Microwave Oven Radiation Testing
PRCDs (Portable RCDs)
Three Phase Electrical Equipment
We test all this electrical equipment and much more. Not sure if your equipment needs testing and tagging? Give us a call and we will be able to give you an answer.
Call us on 0403 326 968 for a quote.

At Greystanes Test and Tag we use
Metrel MI 3309 PAT
You can book us to come to your Factory, Shop, Worksite or you can come to us,
Tradies or Contractors if you don't have time for us to come to your site we do a drop off service. Drop off your Electrical Equipment by 6pm and pick it up in the morning on your way to work, there is no call out fee for this service.
Got an enquiry? Email us at greystanes.testntag@gmail.com